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Press information

We are very pleased about your interest in our company, our product range and our research work. We are happy to support your editorial work by providing you with detailed and up-to-date information, press releases and high-resolution images and video material. You will also find the press releases of recent months and years in our press archive.
Here you will find an overview of all press materials for download.

24. January 2022

Murexin GmbH expandiert in Deutschland

Mit Jahresbeginn 2022 startete der österreichische Bauchemieproduzent Murexin GmbH mit seinem neu gegründeten Tochterunternehmen in Mühlheim am Main.


In case of any questions or photo requests please contact:

Mag. Waltraud Potzmann
+43 2622 / 27 401-0

Logo Murexin